National World Can't Wait

Pancartas, volantes


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Noticias e infamias

De los organizadores

Sobre nosotros


El Mundo no Puede Esperar organiza a las personas que viven en Estados Unidos para repudiar y parar el rumbo fascista iniciado durante el régimen de Bush y evidenciado en las ocupaciones asesinas, injustas e ilegítimas de Irak y Afganistán; la “guerra de terror” global de tortura, rendición extraordinaria y espionaje; y la cultura de discriminación, intolerancia y avaricia. A ese rumbo no le darán marcha atrás los líderes que nos instan a buscar puntos en común con fascistas, fanáticos religiosos e imperio. Solo es posible si la población forja una comunidad de resistencia –un movimiento independiente de grandes cantidades de personas—que, actuando en pro de los intereses de la humanidad, pone fin a dichos crímenes y demanda que se procese a los responsables por ellos.

Del directora nacional de El Mundo No Puede Esperar

Debra Sweet

Invitación a traducir al español

¡Ningún ser humano es ilegal!

EL Mundo no Puede Esperar exhorta a cada persona a protestar contra las leyes racistas como Arizona SB1070, a desacatarlas y a DESOBEDECERLAS

"¿Por qué hacer una donación a El Mundo No Puede Esperar?"

"Lo que la gente esta diciendo sobre El Mundo No Puede Esperar


ÚNETE CON: John Cusack • Wallace Shawn • Junot Diaz • Noam Chomsky • Daniel Ellsberg Eve Ensler Dave Eggers • Glenn Greenwald • Paul Haggis • Bianca Jagger • Ariel Dorfman Erica Jong • Michael Moore • Ron Kovic • Moby • Tom Morello • Mark Ruffalo • James Schamus Carl Dix • Oliver Stone • Cindy Sheehan • Cornel West con los abogados de los prisioneros en Guantánamo y muchos otros

Firmar esta declarción

Call for Spanish Translators


We are calling on bilingual people to help us translate World Can't Wait materials into Spanish. We have already developed a small team, but we need to expand so that more gets posted on the Spanish website and in a more timely manner: all the calls, reports and summations of actions, statements from the national committee and prominent supporters, as well as the many articles that give depth to why we need to "Drive Out the Bush Regime". Once these appear on the website, they can be downloaded by English and well as Spanish-speakers and distributed wherever Spanish is spoken.

It is clear that a major feature of the Bush program is to round up and deport immigrants from south of the border. Warrants for a few "undocumented criminals" turn into raids of buses, neighborhoods and factories that sweep up everyone with a brown face that can't prove at that moment that they have a right to be in the country. This is part of the fascist program. La Opinión reports (4/23/08) that the Bush regime even has a little-known plan called "Endgame" that will span 10 years and aims to throw "all removable undocumented" people out of the country. This must stop!

We have seen in the massive immigrant rights protests of a few years back that when this "sleeping giant" awakens, it can inspire people of all nationalities and all walks of life. Oftentimes in the last few years, the Spanish media has given more and better coverage to World Cant Wait events than the mainstream English media. Let's make sure that the Spanish media has access to World Can't Wait materials and that Spanish-speaking people are able to take up the politics of this movement and contribute to it.

So far, we have developed an audience for the Spanish website that extends beyond the borders of this country. We have received emails from people internationally who demand to know why we haven't gotten rid of Bush already and are willing to do what they can in their country to make that happen. Let's make sure that they get the information and materials in their language to do that!

If you want to contribute to the clamor --in different languages and different countries-- to drive out the Bush regime and reverse its program, please volunteer to help translate. Please email us at


¡Hazte voluntario para traducir al español otros artículos como este! manda un correo electrónico a y escribe "voluntario para traducción" en la línea de memo.


¡El mundo no puede esperar!
