los angeles

E-mail: worldcantwait_la@yahoo.com
Phone: 866.973.4463


Bush Deserves Prison, Not a “Pro-Life” Award

07 February 2010

We received this from War Criminals Watch

Honoring George Bush with a “Pro Life Award” is something like honoring an iceberg for sinking the Titanic--although the cost in human life totals hundreds of thousands, not hundreds. This is to say nothing of the millions of lives disrupted, families broken, and horrendous injuries, both physical and mental.


Illegal Wars causing the death of over a million people, including thousands of US deaths, sanctioning Torture, violating our Constitution, and smashing any hopes for world peace into the foreseeable future.

Bush received this award from the Catholic group Legatus at its annual Summit, Feb. 4-6, in Dana Point, Calif. In one of his of his last acts as president, Bush declared Jan. 18, 2009, as “National Sanctity of Human Life Day.” Incongruously for one who declared not one but two illegal and immoral wars, he stated that “the most basic duty of government is to protect the life of the innocent.”

This declaration was the culmination of eight years of anti-abortion policies that included opposition to embryonic stem-cell research, the appointment of two “pro-life” Supreme Court Justices, an executive order barring federal funds to be used for abortion-related projects abroad, and a rule protecting federally funded health employees from taking part in abortion or practices that conflict with their faith.

For these draconian anti-birth control efforts Bush received the award. The context of aggressive and illegal wars in which these supposedly “pro-life” measures occurred is apparently not a concern of Legatus. Legatus is keeping the exact date and time when Bush will be on site a tight secret. On Thursday, February 4 a number of groups held a preemptive and peaceful protest! Mike Haas, 2010 Nobel Peace Nominee and author of George W. Bush, War Criminal?, also spoke at the rally.

The protest was endorsed by ANSWER LA, OC Peace Coalition, War Criminals Watch, World Can't Wait - LA , AfterDowningStreet.org, PDA-OC and other peace and justice groups.

E-mail: worldcantwait_la@yahoo.com