los angeles

E-mail: worldcantwait_la@yahoo.com
Phone: 866.973.4463


« From cicle.org

Anti-Bush Demonstration in Los Angeles :: Author : Harv

First there were some rumblings on the L.A. Crit Mass list about an anti-Bush demonstration starting at noon today, Wednesday, November 2nd. Then Eric Einem (Pasadena Crit Mass list) confirmed it and set up a meeting point at the Highland Park station for those of us in NELA who would be making the ride to Wilshire and Figueroa in downtown Los Angeles. I met Eric and a friend (who both rode from Arcadia) and the three of us then rode downtown to the appointed location. Here we met up with other bike riders, probably some of the L.A. Crit Mass group, I recognized only one face. Also, a good showing from the downtown messenger group, and of course, general non-biking protestors with signs, banners, stickers, and making lots of noise.

Only Eric had brought a sign, so we all took advantage of the “sticker lady” and adorned ourselves and our bikes with this thematic material. After a few minutes of commiserating with our fellow demonstrators, we formed up for the bike ride west on Wilshire to MacArthur Park at Alvarado street. As we departed, a news media camera (I believe KTTV channel 11) recorded our Mass exodus for the 10 o’clock news. I rode straight at the camera, giving it my meanest look, steering away at the last minute. Watch for me tonight, film at eleven (actually KTTV news is at 10:00pm)

MacArthur Park was a much bigger scene than Wilshire and Fig. The sound truck was already set up and a hard rock band was blasting out. A mosh-pit formed right in front of the truck and frenzied, black clad, punkers showed all present how much energy they could dissipate by just gyrating in place. It was great. Many present covered their faces with black scarves. I suppose they wanted to avoid making the FBI’s ’sedition’ list. Matters not to me, I probably am already in an FBI file. There was not much police presence, just a few bicycle-cops, and they did not seem overly interested in what was going on. The band rocked out a few more tunes then announced they were taking down the sound truck to move toward Westwood where they would set up again and continue playing.

At this point, I decided that I’d had enough fun for the day and headed back to NELA. Alvarado was a nightmare of traffic and no room to ride, so I zigzagged north and east on quieter streets. Through Chinatown with the ever-present odor of Peking Duck and fried rice, along the west side of the Cornfields - with the last corn crop still waving in the gentle breeze, past ‘five-points’ and onto those familiar streets going into my ‘hood. My odometer showed 20.45 miles. Another busy day of pedalling my ass around L.A.

Maybe another blogger could give us an account of what happened at points west of MacArthur Park.

Eric Says: After Harv departed, about 10 other riders and myself continued all the way to the Santa Monica Promenade. We had a meal there and hung out a bit and headed back to the Westwood Federal Building for the 5 PM rally. It was the farthest I’ve ventured by bike from Arcadia, and it was far more fun than a day at work!

We passed a groups of protesters on the way down Wilshire Blvd. at about 4 other locations. The groups were of varying sizes with the biggest group of about 1500 at the rally at the Federal Building. As we passed each group we exchanged chants and cheers. We also got some cheers and shouts of support from elementary school kids in their playground as we passed their school (several of us had large signs attached to our bikes).

We were followed by a motorcycle cop in Beverly Hills who instructed us over his loudspeaker to “Move over to the right side of the roadway and ride single-file”. We kept to the right lane but continued to ride 2-up. The cop repeated his request a couple of times and then followed us until we were out of Beverly Hills.

When we got to Westwood we rode around the Village and through UCLA. There were numerous police on bicycles and motorocycles. Five police on bikes followed us around westwood. There was also a group of about 100 marchers that we passed. We stopped and I joined in their chant, “The World Can’t Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime”.

I stayed at the rally only ’till about 5:30 PM. The traffic was quite jammed on Wilshire blvd on my way back, probably because of the road closures due to the protests. I enjoyed wizzing past numerous cars as I headed east to the Redline station.

  • Brief video of Critical Mass riding through the Wilshire/Fairfax Convergence Point.

Los Angeles World Can't Wait

*for identification purposes only"

E-mail: worldcantwait_la@yahoo.com

Phone: (213) 924-8571

Address: Los Angeles World Can't Wait
P.O. Box 48332
Los Angeles, CA 90048